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Wellesley Car Rental Comparison: Affordable car rental packages!

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Did you know that
Wellesley has one of the most expensive zip codes in the United States?

Best Way To Travel: Train, Bus, Car
#1 Thing to do: Bella Sante
#2 Thing to do: Massachusetts Horticultural Society’s Gardens at Elm Bank
#3 Thing to do: Wellesley Historical Society

Fun Fact:
Wellesley has the second greatest concentration of residents with advanced degrees in the United States.
#1 Car Rental Company: Enterprise

Wellesley is a beautiful town located in Norfolk County, Massachusetts, United States. Wellesley was settled in 1630 and reconstructed during the 19th century. Its population has 27,900 inhabitants. Nowadays, the town is a nice location for tourists and is also known for its fabulous attractions and relaxation opportunities.

Top Attractions within Wellesley

The Linden Square
is a nice area located in Wellesley. It replaces the Linden Street after the town was reconstructed and many changes took place. The square includes many restaurants, shops, cafes, clothing stores, supermarkets, so everything that a tourist may be interested in. Here are also many local shops, so Linder Square is the best place in Wellesley to have a meal and buy souvenirs or anything else you may need during your vacation.

Wellesley's Wonderful Weekend
takes place each year before Memorial Day. The event includes the Veterans Parade and Fireworks. It is a wonderful opportunity to have fun and relax while watching the events and the special activities organized on this occasion. Lots of people attend this amazing festival in Wellesley.

Bertucci's Brick Oven Restaurant
is located in Wellesley. It is a nice family restaurant with great food and great seating. The atmosphere is great and the pizza variety is amazing. The lunch is tasty and the entrees are also a delight for your senses. It is also a great a bargain, taking into consideration the food is tasty, portions are huge and pricing is very reasonable. The AYCE salad, as well as the chicken are one of the most ordered dishes, but the variety is wide.

The Walter Hunnewell Arboretum
is a fascinating attraction in Wellesley. It is home to over 500 species of woody plants and a topiary garden, named "The Italian Garden". The topiary garden includes native Eastern White Pine and Eastern Arborvitae species. This amazing arboretum in Wellesley also includes a grape and a peach house and was founded in 1843, so it is very old.
Wellesley Map