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Morristown Car Rental Comparison: For the best car hire at the lowest possible price!

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Did you know that
Morristown is the county seat of Morris County, New Jersey?

Best Way To Travel: Bus, Car
#1 Thing to do: Fosterfields Living Historical Farm
#2 Thing to do: Jockey Hollow
#3 Thing to do: Historic Speedwell

Fun Fact:
The only heroic statue of Thomas Paine in the United States is in Morristown.
#1 Car Rental Company: Avis

Morristown is also known as the "Military Capital of the American Revolution" or "Mo Town". Morristown is a city located in Morris County, New Jersey. It received its nickname thanks to the strategic role it had in the battle for the independence from the United Kingdom. The area of Morristown was inhabited at least 2.800 years before the European settlers established in the area. Swedes and Dutch settled the town in the early 17th century and Morristown became a colony of New Netherland. It was incorporated as Morristown only on April 6, 1865. In present, the city has a population of approximately 18.000 residents and an area of about 3 square miles. Famous residents of Morristown include author Lincoln Child and craiglist.com founder Craig Newmark. Top Attractions within Morristown Jockey Hollow is a historical area of Morristown where the Continental Army camped. This is a part of the Morristown National Historical Park. If you want to learn more about the history of the town, this place is a must see. A well documented guide will help you find out more through a great tour. Fort Nonsense is also located within the area of Morristown National Historical Park. The fort occupies a high hilltop and was the place of the signal fire used in the battle that took place in New Jersey. The Ford Mansion is situated on a beautiful hill in Morristown. This was the home of Theodosia Ford and Jacob Ford Jr. and their four children. During the coldest winter in history, they shared their home with George Washington and Alexander Hamilton, their servants and family members. The Ford Mansion Museum is a museum nearby the house. This is open to the public and memorabilia of the former residents of the building can be seen here. Two new galleries are scheduled to open soon.
Morristown Map